Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Under the Weather

It's the day before school starts and I'm sick. Ugh. I've got one of those head colds with a very sore throat, dry eyes, and stuffed up sinuses. I'm running around, trying to get things done before school begins and I'm even more stressed out, but right now with a half unpacked suitcase, a ton of random things strewn all over my desk, a headache, a semi-working phone that ought to be replaced ... I'm just not sure how I will get everything done!

But this negative attitude is exactly what I'm trying to combat. So, here's my plan of attack: take out contacts, take a 20 min. nap, finish unpacking my suitcase, go to CVS to buy floss (which I left at home) and contact lens solution (which I'll probably be out of after taking my lenses out), pick up my textbooks that arrived for me in the mail room, eat dinner, clean room as much as possible, and then have some free time.

Happiness Project Update: I managed to get up early this morning and on the first alarm! I got up at 8:15 in order to get to my sorority recruitment training workshop. But even though I got up almost 2 hours before it started, I was late because I was confused about where the workshop was being held. I was on the completely wrong side of campus.)


erika sorocco said...

Oh, I wish I would have joined a sorority; but now I'm in my senior year, and it seems useless to join at this point. I hope you're feeling better!! :)

Frannie said...

You poor girl! Get well soon!